I got my kitchen aid(Black Friday Special)
Also another LoveSac - the SuperSac
A tv for our Bedroom ( Black Friday Special)
So Christmas morning we didnt open a ton from each other...but my mom and dad made up for it!!
Thanks mom and dad!!
SO did I mention there was snow....A ton more!!!
After opening presents at our house...we went to James Mom and Dads house! Christopher was already there....helping make breakfast!! We were waiting for everyone to come over, for it to be a full house! With all the kids and just as many adults!!
Once everyone came over Dan read a story for Christmas...and we then opened presents :)
After we opened presents James mom and Dan bought presents for a white elephant game! It was so much fun!!!
Soon after...we ran home and got ready for our ski trip!!!
It was a beautiful trip up to Stevens! And even more fun skiing!!!It is such a great tradition that we hope to keep!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!