Thursday, September 18, 2008

2 months we have been married!!!

Today was a busy day!! We woke up! Got all of our stuff ready....then we went to the post office to ship off all of our packages! Then we stopped at McDonalds...said hi to Ann! And got James a chocolate shake and cookies ( thank ann)

Afterwards we headed home...and spent some time with My mom and dad...and my grandparents!!And of course Madison!!It was really nice!! Soon enough it was time for us to go!! We said our goodbyes....and hopefully we will be able to visit soon again! My dad was leaving after his week get back on the road he had to say his goodbyes to my mom too!!

My mom took us to the airport!!Then we said our goodbyes!! After we waived goodbye and went through security...of course James was too nice! We got searched! Well they probably search half the people it is such a tiny airport!!! But the people were nice!

We got on our flight...and wow...This lady was freaking out...saying and swearing that she didnt want to be on the plane...saying she didnt care if she got arrested freaking everyone else out on the plane...well the flight attendant calmed her her stuff...while her little kid was kicking our seats and coughing all over us....Seriously..this lady was faking it!! How annoying what some people do to get attention!!!

Well when we got to Atlanta and on our next flight it was very nice!! I read a whole book!!! Nicholas Sparks "The Choice" I think I cried the whole begining of the flight!!! Afterwards they had tvs in every seat and I watched the Maid of Honor!! Wow!! Such a cute made me laugh and cry!!!

Well it was a good flight!!!The only bad thing about wasnt holding our luggage for some was on the next flight!! Well it was the first time I ever saw Jameson get mad!!! I was the one that needed to calm him down!!! LOL!! ( I guess there is a first time for everything!)
Good thing Jenny and the kids were patiently waiting for us!!!

It was a great trip back to reality!!!!

And Happy two month Anniversary to us!!! It was a great one!! ( well the trip!)

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